Black-owned Vacation Property Rentals Guide
Discover a growing directory of Black-owned Airbnbs, VRBOs, hotels, BnBs, and inns. Support Black tourism entrepreneurs while finding unique, welcoming accommodations that offer unforgettable experiences.
Search Black-owned Stays & ExperiencesHow It Works...
Ready to travel or enjoy a staycation?
Check out our directory to find the perfect vacation properties and experiences in the area you're planning to visit. Whether you're traveling far or staying close to home, we've got great options to make your trip special.
Found a few great options?
Check out their availability and reviews by visiting their booking platform. Once you find the property or experience that meets your criteria, go ahead and send an inquiry and communicate directly with the host or business to finalize the details.
Ready to book?
When booking your accommodations, just slide over to the hosts' booking platform. You'll get the full convenience of payment protections, all while knowing that you are uplifting the economic status of Black tourism operators!
Ready to list?
It's easy! If you need help, simply contact us at, and we'll gladly schedule a personalized onboarding session to guide you through the process. We're here to help you every step of the way!
List Your Vacation Property for FREE!
List your vacation property on boVP for free and boost your visibility! Reach travelers looking to support Black-owned businesses and promote your property to a wider audience with no cost to you. Get started today and watch your bookings grow!
List Your Vacation PropertyList your Experience for only $99/year!
Ready to grow your business and reach travelers? For a small part of your marketing budget, list on boVP and boost your exposure to those eager to support local Black-owned tourism businesses!
List Your Cultural Experience